Our Projects

Take a look at how we keep busy

Kāinga Ora 17 home Development, grigg st kaitaia

We have joined up with Far North Roading to develop and deliver 17 homes for our community.

We are pleased to be partnering with AHAUS, who has contracted FNR in partnership with PanelLock, to develop the site and build these brand-new homes.

These homes have been designed and built to Housing NZ specifications and will be delivered in three separate stages.

Keep up to date on how this project goes, by following us on Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram.

Māhuru Trust - Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa Donalds Road Project

Te Runanāga O Te Rarawa – Māhuru Trust

Tahuna te ahi, kia whakakāngia te whenua. Hei āhuru mōwai mō te oranga o te whānau.

Light the fire so that it burns long into the earth. A sheltered haven for the well-being of the family.

Te Rarawa is proud to announce the launch of Mahuru Trust, a housing development of 44 whanau homes in Donalds Road Kaitaia that will be available for Te Rarawa whanu to buy or ‘rent to buy’ later this year.

Under the asset holding company Te Waka Pupuri Putea Trust, We have been assigned to construct and deliver 18 quality whanu homes.

We’ll keep this part of the page updated with our latest news on how we acheive 18 homes for Te Rarawa over the next 10-14 months.

Te Rūnanga Nui O Te Aupōuri Potahi Rd Papakainga

Potahi Rd Papakainga

  • 16 homes total
  • 5x 2-bedroom homes
  • 4x 3-bedroom homes
  • 7x 4-bedroom homes
  • Project duration Dec 2022 – Feb 2024

expansion into our new factory 142 north road, kaitaia

Moving into new factory sepTEMBER 2023

  • Expansion of the business to 142 North Road Kaitaia.
  • Purchase of 3-axis CNC Machine to cut our panels.
  • Ability to build houses inside out of the weather.